
Name: Xiaolan Lv

Gender: Female

Job title: Associate Professor

Degree: Master

Speciality: Medicinal chemistry


Research Interests: Ecotoxicology

Educational work experience:

1991.09~1995.06: Jiangxi Normal University, Bachelor's Degree

2004.09~2007.06: Nanchang University, Master's Degree

1995.07~2006.03: Jiangxi Medical College, lecturer

2006.03~Present: Nanchang University, lecturer


Lecturer of several courses including Medical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry Experiment, Inorganic Chemistry Experiment, Analytical Chemistry Experiment, Basic Chemistry Experiment, Fun Chemistry Experiment and Modern Life Chemistry.

A core member of the national first-class undergraduate course "Virtual Simulation Experiment of Ionic Rare Earth Extraction and High-Efficiency Separation", the lecturer of the first-class undergraduate course in Jiangxi Province and the Jiangxi Provincial Boutique Online Open Course "Organic Chemistry (Ⅱ)"; and the person in charge of the first-class course "Organic Chemistry Experiment" in Nanchang University.

Editor-in-chief of Organic Chemistry Experiment, first and second editions, Chemical Industry Press, 2012, 2022; Editor-in-chief of Organic Chemistry, Higher Education Press, 立博; Editor-in-chief of Chemistry Creates a Better Life, Chemical Industry Press, 2013.

Presided over and completed three provincial teaching reform projects in Jiangxi Province, and presided over and completed two university-level teaching reform projects. She has published many research papers on teaching reform, one of which was honored with "High Level Teaching Reform Paper Award" by Nanchang University.

Research fields:

Led over two scientific and technological projects at provincial and departmental levels, and participated in two national fund projects and two provincial natural science funds.

Research projects

Led over the project of Jiangxi Provincial Department of Health: Exploration of the influence of active ingredients in the traditional Chinese medicine liquorice on the mechanism of ADH enzyme activity (2022A371);

Participated in the project of National Foundation of China: 8-hydroxyquinoline-based receptor molecule conformation and its application in solar cells (21861025);

Participated in the top-level project of Jiangxi Provincial Natural Science Foundation: novel triazolium fluorescence chemosensor to recognise phosphate anions in aqueous phase and in life (20171BAB203009);

Participated in the top-level project of Jiangxi Provincial Natural Science Foundation: screening of unknown target proteins of microcystin-LR and the mechanism of their toxic effects on mammals (20181BAB204003).

Awards and Honors

Second Prize of Jiangxi Provincial Teaching Achievement in 2014, Second Prize of Jiangxi Provincial Teaching Achievement in 2017;

"Outstanding Teache" of the Second and Third Jiangxi Provincial Universities Mobile Teaching Competition;

"Top Ten Pioneering Teaching Individuals" of College of Science of Nanchang University in 2014, " Pioneering Teaching Individuals" of College of Chemistry of Nanchang University in 2018, Second Prize of the Second Teachers' Teaching Innovation Competition of Nanchang University in 立博, "Top Ten Pioneers of Teaching" of Nanchang University in 2022;

Won the Nanchang University Teaching Quality Excellence Award or Excellence Nomination Award for a total of more than 40 times;

"Outstanding Communist Party Member" of Nanchang University in 2015 and 立博;

"Outstanding Undergraduate Class Tutor of Nanchang University in 2016-2017, 2017-2018, 2019-2020, 2020-立博, 立博-2022;

guided students to win the first prize of the National College Students' Chemistry Experiment Innovation Design Competition, the first prize of the Central China Regional Competition, the first prize of the Fifth College Students' Life Science Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, and the second prize of the 13th National College Students' Pharmaceutical Forum. The students under his guidance won the second prize of the 13th "National Pharmaceutical Forum", the second prize of the innovation and entrepreneurship category of the 2022 National Student Life Science Competition, and the second and third prizes of the "Challenge Cup" Nanchang University Extracurricular Academic and Technological Works Competition for Undergraduates.

Representative papers and patents

Xiaolan Lv,Zheng Jiang,Guofang Zeng,Sujuan Zhao,Na Li, Fengping Chen,Xiaojian Huang,Jia Yao,Xun Tuo.Comprehensive insights into the interactions of dicyclohexyl phthalate and its metabolite to human serum albumin,Food and Chemical Toxicology, 立博, 155, 112407.

Xiaolan Lv, Hao Fu, Jiawen Xie , Zhaoqing Liu ,Xun Tuo. Integrated multi-techniques to probe the binding mechanism between amlodipine and lactate dehydrogenase, Journal of Molecular Structure, 2020, 1219,128656.

TOU Xun, SONG Jimin, FU Hao, LU Xiaolan*. Spectroscopic and computer simulation methods to study the interaction of hexabromocyclododecane with bovine serum albumin", Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 立博, 41(5), 1487-1492.

Tou Xun, Rao Bowen, Xu Linlin, Liu Zhaoqing, Lv Xiaolan*. Spectroscopic method and molecular docking to study the interaction of monoethylhexyl phthalate with human serum albumin, Analytical Laboratory, 2019, 38(12), 1381-1386.

TOU Xun, HE Guanglian, HU Ruihua, YANG Shuling, HU Yu, LV Xiaolan*. Spectroscopy combined with molecular dynamics to study the interaction mechanism between colchicine and haemoglobin,Chemical Research and Application,2018, 30(10), 1662-1667.